Thursday, November 9, 2017

Vera Runs Away by Vera Rosenberry

Author: Vera Rosenberry
Illustrator: Vera Rosenberry
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Awards: None
Grade(s): Pre-K - 1st

Summary: Vera had gotten her report card and realized that it was all A's. Her friend, Norman, told Vera that if he had gotten a report card that good, his mother would make him a special dinner and take him to the circus. This made Vera excited to show her own parents. However, when she got home, her parents were very busy with a big mess that Vera's sister had made and they had no time to look at Vera's report card. Vera's older siblings also acted like it was no big deal that she had gotten all A's in first grade. This made Vera sad and angry and she decided to run away to find a new family who would appreciate her and her all A's report card. However, when she was all alone in the forest, she got very hungry and decided to go back home. Then she realized that everyone had been looking for her and that they had missed her. Her parents apologized to Vera for not looking at her report card, but reminded her that she is working to get good marks for herself, not for anyone else. Since it was so late, the family decided to eat at a pizza restaurant for dinner and Vera got her special dinner after all. 

My Thoughts: I think this book is a great book to add to my collection. It teaches a couple of valuable lessons to not only children, but adults too. I would use this book in my classroom to teach my students that working on doing well in life is for yourself and that they shouldn't rely on the reaction and praise from others to do well. However, I do think this book teaches adults to be sure to encourage children to do well and not to just push their achievements aside. I think this book would make a great read for an interactive read-aloud in my classroom because there are many things to think about with this book and many opportunities for students to share their input. Definitely going into my classroom library.

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