Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Brand New Kid by Katie Couric

Author: Katie Couric 
Illustrator: Marjorie Priceman
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Awards: None
Grade(s): 1st-3rd 

Summary: The Brand New Kid is a wonderful book about the struggles a child faces when moving schools. It is set in Brookhaven School and is centered around a little boy named Lazlo. The book starts off with a pair of best friends, Ellie and Carrie, who are hoping to get the same teacher. When they do, the story shifts over to Miss Kincaid's classroom where she begins to call out roll. She then announces the new kid in the school, Lazlo, to the rest of her class. Because Lazlo seems different from the other students at the school, he gets picked on and tormented. When Ellie noticed Lazlo's mother was upset because of the troubles her son was having at his new school, she knew just what to do. She befriended Lazlo, which helped other students to accept Lazlo into their school. At the end of the book, everyone wanted to be friends with Lazlo.

My Thoughts: I really loved this book because I feel like it teaches an important lesson. A lesson of acceptance. It's scary to be a new kid in a new place and many students don't realize the impact they have on others. I would definitely use this book to teach this valuable lesson to my students. This would also be an excellent book to read if I do acquire a new student. I will absolutely be adding this book to my classroom library.

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